Do you wish to know the best height for ring doorbell 3 before installing it? Yes, As a homeowner, It is very important to know that install Ring Doorbell 3 is approximately 48 inches above the ground.
A few months ago, when I first installed my Ring Doorbell 3, I positioned it too high near the top of my door. My excitement turned to disappointment
when I realized it cut off visitors’ heads in the camera frame! After troubleshooting placement, I discovered the ideal mounting height for properly capturing faces and bodies from head to toe.
Installing your Ring Doorbell 3 can be confusing. In this article, I’ll explain exactly how high to position your Doorbell 3 based on my trial and error.
You’ll learn the recommended height and angle for facial recognition, body viewing, kids and pets. I’ll also share tips for optimal lighting and visibility.
Read on to master Ring Doorbell 3 placement and improve your home security experience.
Let’s go.
Recommended the Best Height for Ring Doorbell 3
The Ring Doorbell 3 is one of Ring’s newer WiFi-enabled smart doorbell cameras. It captures 1080p HD video, has enhanced dual-band 2.4 and 5GHz connectivity, and improved motion detection with advanced radar technology.
With these features, positioning your Doorbell 3 properly is important to get the full benefits.
The number one factor for optimal performance is installing the Ring Doorbell 3 at the right height. Mounting your doorbell camera too high or low impacts the camera angle and field of view.
You want to be able to see visitors’ faces clearly for facial recognition and their full bodies for activity detection.
5 to 6 Feet High Is Ideal
The recommended height to install your Ring Doorbell 3 is 5 to 6 feet from the floor up to the bottom of the doorbell. This allows the camera to be positioned at a standard adult head height.
Mounting the doorbell at this vertical height enables the camera to see visitors’ faces head-on and capture their entire body in the frame. It provides a complete head to toe view of anyone approaching your door.
If you mount the Doorbell 3 above or below this range, you risk cutting off part of your visitors’ heads or feet in the video.
The key is positioning the camera’s field of view to align with the average height of a person standing at your door.
Adjust Slightly Lower for Kids
One exception to keep in mind is if you expect to have mostly young children visitors. In that case, you may want to position the Ring doorbell slightly lower.
Mounting the camera at the standard 5-6 feet height could cut off the top of kids’ heads in the video feed. If you anticipate mainly children coming to your door, lower the doorbell by a few inches to match their height.
This allows you to see kids directly at eye level for better interaction. You can still capture their facial expressions and body movements for optimal security monitoring.
Angle Camera Down Slightly
Properly angling your Ring Doorbell 3 is also important. You want to tilt the camera down slightly to directly face anyone standing at the door. The ideal angle is around 10-15 degrees downward.
Pointing the camera straight horizontally risks an upward tilted view that doesn’t record faces properly.
A slight downward angle ensures visitors’ faces remain centered and recognizable in the video frame. This also enhances facial detection accuracy.
In summary, mounting your Ring Doorbell 3 around 5-6 feet high with a slightly angled downward camera gives you the best view of your door area.
This placement enables full body and optimized facial capture. Follow these recommendations when installing your Doorbell 3 to get the ideal positioning.
Height to Capture Face and Body
As mentioned, the 5 to 6 foot mounting height recommendation allows your Ring Doorbell 3 to capture visitors‘ faces and bodies optimally. This height enables you to see visitors fully from head to toe in the camera’s field of view.
Positioning the doorbell at adult eye level provides ideal alignment for facial recognition. You get a straight-on view of anyone approaching to clearly see their facial features and expressions.
This front-facing angle is critical for the Doorbell 3’s advanced motion sensing and facial detection capabilities. It ensures visitors’ faces are visible and centered in the video frame.
Having the camera mounted higher also allows the doorbell to see visitors’ full bodies, not just their faces. This gives you their complete stance, movements, and actions for enhanced activity monitoring.
Seeing both the face and body of anyone coming to your door provides optimal security awareness and visibility. You get the full context of people’s behavior from head to toe.
Avoid Cutting Off Heads or Feet
Conversely, mounting the Ring Doorbell 3 too high or low impedes facial and body capture.
If the camera is positioned too high, such as above 6 feet, it will likely cut off the top of visitors’ heads in the video. This obstructs part of their faces and impairs facial recognition.
Meanwhile, placing the doorbell too low, like around 3 feet high, could cut off visitors’ feet and lower bodies. You’d only see their upper bodies and miss leg and foot movements.
Either of these non-optimal positions blocks important visual details for security monitoring and awareness. The key is finding the 5-6 foot sweet spot that keeps visitors fully in frame.
Kids and Pet Height Considerations
As mentioned earlier, the one exception is if you expect mainly kids as visitors. Lower the Ring 3 to around 4 feet high to match children’s heights and eye lines.
You can also lower the doorbell slightly if you want to monitor pets or other small animals. Position it so they remain fully visible when passing by the camera.
The standard adult height range maximizes visibility for the average person. But make slight vertical adjustments to account for more kids or pets in your specific home and use case.
In summary, the recommended 5-6 foot mounted height for your Ring Doorbell 3 optimizes facial recognition and full body capture. This placement provides complete visual security monitoring from head to toe. Follow these best practices for ideal positioning.
How Do You Position A Ring Doorbell 3?
The ideal position is to install your Ring Doorbell 3 around 5-6 feet above the ground. This allows it to capture visitors’ full bodies and faces in the camera frame.
Angle the doorbell slightly downward 10-15 degrees to keep visitors centered in view. Consider lowering the height a few inches if mainly expecting kids or pets.
What Happens If Ring Doorbell Is Too Low?
Mounting the Ring Doorbell 3 too low, such as around 3 feet, could cut off visitors’ lower bodies and feet.
You may only see them from the waist up, missing important movement details. Raise the doorbell to 5-6 feet high to keep visitors fully viewable.
Where Is The Best Place To Put A Doorbell?
The best location is next to your front door, above the handle/lock area. Choose a spot with a clear, straight-on view so visitors face the camera head-on for optimal facial capture.
Avoid pointing the doorbell over railings or obstructions.
How Do You Mount A Ring Doorbell 3 On Siding?
Use the wedge mount that comes with the Ring Doorbell 3 when installing on siding. The wedge levels out the siding surface so the doorbell mounts flat. You can also get a corner mount to position the doorbell easily on siding corners.
How High Is Too High For Ring Camera?
Above 6 feet is generally too high for the Ring Doorbell 3. At this height, the camera angle will be pointing downward on visitors’ heads instead of directly at face level. Keep the Ring doorbell under 6 feet for ideal facial recognition and visibility.
How Far Away Does Ring Doorbell Detect Motion?
The Ring Doorbell 3 can detect motion up to 30 feet away. However, for optimal motion sensing, keep your Ring doorbell 8-10 feet from where visitors will be walking and approaching your door. Nearer distances improve detection accuracy.
How Far Can Ring Doorbell Be From Router?
The Ring Doorbell 3 can function within WiFi range of your router, generally 150-200 feet distance outdoors. But place the Ring as close as possible, ideally within 30 feet, for best wireless connectivity. Avoid thick walls and interference that could disrupt the signal.
Where Do Most People Put Their Ring Doorbell?
Most homeowners install their Ring Doorbell 3 right next to the front door, positioned at standing eye level height and angled slightly downward. This allows optimal face visibility and motion detection when visitors approach.
Where Can You Not Put A Ring Doorbell?
Avoid positioning the Ring Doorbell 3 facing direct sunlight, pointing over railings, or facing obstructions like bushes.
This could impair video quality or block motion sensing. Find an unobstructed spot by your door with shade from sun glare.
Can You Put A Ring Doorbell Camera Anywhere?
No, the Ring Doorbell 3 should only be positioned by doors and entryways to capture visitors. Do not mount Ring cameras pointing toward a neighbor’s home or public areas, as this can raise privacy issues and violate local regulations.
Does Ring 3 Have Motion Detection?
Yes, the Ring Doorbell 3 has advanced motion detection using radar technology. It can sense movement up to 30 feet away. Position it with a clear view of your door area for best performance.
Can You Angle Ring Doorbell Down?
Yes, you can angle the Ring Doorbell 3 downward by about 10-15 degrees during installation. This points the camera directly at visitors’ faces for ideal head-on facial recognition.
How Can I Improve My Ring Doorbell Quality?
Check the WiFi connection and move the doorbell closer to your router if needed. Also be sure it has a straight, unobstructed view and adequate lighting. Clean the camera lens regularly for best video quality. Adjust the motion detection settings as necessary.
When installing your Ring Doorbell 3, proper placement is crucial for optimal performance. Remember to position it at 5-6 feet high to capture visitors’ full bodies and faces. Slightly angle the camera downward to keep visitors centered in frame.
Consider lowering the height if mainly children or pets will be in view. With ideal positioning, you’ll get the best facial recognition, motion sensing, and overall security monitoring from your Ring Doorbell 3. For more tips, check out Ring’s detailed installation guide.
Follow these best practices when mounting your Doorbell 3 to maximize its capabilities and your home’s security.